Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Got SUPER BLOGGER badge :)

Super Blogger Badge

The Super Blogger Badge recognizes the ability to consistently write informative, engaging and well presented blog posts while explain clearly and concisely concepts to various audiences.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Task #3 :Choosing Text editor


Since i am using Ubuntu 12.04 (which is really awesome :)  )
initially my choice of text editor was gedit
But some of my friends in p2pu said me about Bluefish editor. 
OMG!! Its really awesome..
Its features include nice wizards for startup,tablesand frames . It has configurable HTML syntax highlighting.Very customizable yet simple. It can add shortcuts for bits of code and so much more 

 My work using both are shown below:)
HTML code done in gEdit 

HTML code done in   Bluefish editor